In the early morning, I arrived
at Luoyang station. At that time, there were still dark, and just some sound of
the lifes.
I was a lonely foreigner here.
It was cold and I buttoned up of my jacket, that situation made me excited.
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I played alone in that day.
They were all Chinese when I rode on the sightseeing bus for one day. I understood
after a bus began to move that the bus didn't go to the place where I wanted to
Instead of that, I saw some history stories in the mechanism doll house. And I
saw around the shops on the street with the girl who rode in the same bus.
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The next early morning ,my friend
came from the distance.
When we were talking quietly at the river side, the lady who held some books came
to us.
That book was the picture collection of the stone cave.
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She said to him,
"Buy this book for her."
she recommended very much.
"She thinks us to be lovers."
A friend taught to me in a little voice.
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